Saturday 28 June 2014

Reflections (Term 1)

At the end of Term 1, I have learnt about many new concepts and topics. However, along the way, I also faced difficulties in understanding these things, or applying them.

For example, the drawing of graphs was new to me. We had to rescale the graph and start form a number besides 0. However, I was unable to do this at first I and did it the primary school method - starting from 0. Then, after many, many worksheets in which we have to draw graphs, I finally got the gist of it and could draw, I would say, much better graphs than before.

Also, when we learnt about measuring instruments, I did not exactly understand how the negative zero error worked. For example, if the 0 on the vernier scale was to the left of the 0 on the main scale and the mark in line with the main scale on the vernier scale is 6, I thought that the zero error was -0.06cm, although it really was 0.04cm. However, after a bit of simple math (picturing the vernier scale moving to the left of the main scale and doing calculations), I understood the concept, although forgot it sometimes.

Some of the concepts I have learnt in Term 1 include the formula of density (mass/volume), how to find significant figures as well as do calculations, and also, the difference between a non-luminous falme and a luminous flame.

As for applying these concepts in the real world, we can find the mass of something if we know its volume and density. this helps in measuring a certain mass of water. If we want 100g of water, we know that 100ml of water is equivalent to a 100g of water, since water's density is 1. If we do not know this, we would have to measure a jar's mass, then fill the jar with water until it reaches 100g more than the mass of the jar/ Muich more complicated, is it not? Compared to just measuring 100ml of water, I think so.

Beyond our learning from notes and worksheets, we also learn from doing hands-on in the lab. For example, we learnt how to measure the period of a pendulum through one experiment where we had to, of course, measure the period of the pendulum. We also learnt how to use the bunsen burner safely and effectively, such that we can avoid strike backs as much as possible, and also learn how to react to a strike back. We also learnt about the switching from luminous to non-luminous flames, and when to use which (If we want extremely high temperatures, use the non-luminous flame. If we want slightly lower temperatures, use the luminous flame). Also, because we do experiments nearly every week, I familiarised myself with many of the lab apparatus and know most of their functions.

To summarise, Term 1 has been an enriching term, and the things I learnt definitely will help me to understand the things in Term 2 better than if I had not learnt them.

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