Saturday 28 June 2014

Sugar Crystals

For the June Holidays, we were given an assignment - to create our own sugar crystals. This is the thing - we were not given any procedures, so this was completely independent learning and we had to do our own research. My first reaction when I saw this was "How do I even do this...". However, luckily, a quick search on Google (technology nowadays) let me find out about the process of creating these crystals. So... Let's get on to the procedures!

Glass Jar
Pan (to boil water)
A bag of sugar (around 500g maybe just in case)
Tap water/drinking water/as long as it isn't dirty water
Rock sugar (to weigh down the string as well as to have crystals growing on it).
Something to stir the solution (For me, chopsticks)
A spoon to add sugar into the solution with

1. Tie a string to a piece of rock sugar (crystals will grow on it afterwards).
2. Tie the string to someone somewhat-long (e.g. pencil, pen, stick).
3. Then, get a container (I used a glass jar) and place the pencil on the top such that the rock sugar does not touch the bottom of the jar.
4. Fill the glass jar with water twice, first fully, second fill it halfway, then pour the water both times into the pan.
5. Start heating up the water and wait for the water to start boiling.
6. Once the water starts boiling (bubbling), stop heating the water.
7. Keep adding sugar one spoon at a time while stirring until no more sugar dissolves (to have a saturated solution).
8. Then, pour the solution into the glass jar to about 3/4 full.
9. Wait a few days and observe the crystals growing (Joy!).
10. Oh wait, before running off to do other stuff, wash the pan, for goodness sake.

That's all! I failed the first time because I messed up the procedures then after trying it again I succeeded!

It was a fun experiment and I learnt some things from it. To be perfectly honest, I enjoy doing hands-on much more than worksheets, so it was nice that our teacher assigned this experiment to us! Oh and of course, I have to bring the crystals to school.

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