Friday 13 June 2014

Term 1 Week 4

Notice I skipped week 3. Our Science teacher was not present the whole week so there was nothing to write about...

On Monday, we re-learnt drawing graphs. However, this time, we learnt that we should make the graph as large as possible by increasing the differences between the numbers on the scale. Also, I was not used to starting a graph with a number apart from 0, so the graphs I drew did not follow what my teacher said.

We also learnt that graphs are used to show a relationship or pattern between the independent and dependent variable in an experiment so as to make a more accurate (is that the right word?) conclusion.

We then learnt about another type of graph - a curve graph. To draw this, we can either do it with a flexi ruler (bought at our school's bookshop) or free-hand (which I prefer to do).

This lesson, we learnt about the scientific method again and were given a worksheet to do. So... nothing much to write about I guess...

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